Tuesday, March 21, 2017

as of recent...

be still my soul on repeat because it's beautiful and a great way to feel peace

bills from hospitals and infertility clinics aren't the best thing when your trying to get over what could've been. 

SOUR candy and cadbury eggs are a must to cure a broken heart

having the best family and friends around. amazed at how you can find strength in others, people are so good

trying to find joy in the journey, i went to a place where I never want to go. have you ever woke up and just been so sad you physically can't move?? well that happened. i found it is normal and grieving is okay, i feel like i've been blessed to know a lot of joy. i never want to experience deep sadness the kind that blows. 

CA is never a bad idea. why is it that the beach can cure the soul? sandy hair and all. so nice the waves and seashells. sigh dreamy!

we had a WTF (what the freak) meeting with dr. foulk to talk about how we should move forward and what went wrong, he recommended that we start asap with our frozen embryos. yes i have 4 frozen babies, i'm scared but motivated to try again i just feel like i need time. time to get my body and mind right and strong! i have faith someday i will have my own little family. in the meantime i'm focusing on being the best bryn shumway i can be. 

i'm putting my trust in timing and learning that though it is not MY timing; it is his and he knows what is best for me

baby shum i love you, i will never stop fighting for you!


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